Grant Application Instructions

  1. Click on the following link
  2. Download the pdf application for the grant you would like to apply for.
  3. Follow the directions on the website and include ALL required documentation.
  4. Follow the checklist and instructions completely.
  5. Applications must be received no later than 3:30 on the due date.
  6. If you have questions or need assistance, please contact WCCF staff at 812-883-7334
    or email
  7. Washington County Community Foundation requires grant applicants to submit three (3) quotes for goods or services (one of which must be a local quote, if possible) with your project budget unless your request for goods or services is for highly specialized equipment, only available through very limited national vendors—then only one quote is required. Note: If your request is for goods or services that can only be obtained through all online sources, you are still required to provide three quotes. This will most likely apply to smaller equipment requests that can be purchased through large online retailers like Amazon, Walmart, etc. It is preferred the quotes simply be a document with a list of links to the online source, or a screen shot picture of the website’s “cart.”
  8. First-time organization applicants are required to meet with staff prior to submitting application.
  9. If an organization is a 501(c)3, staff will confirm that they are in good standing with the IRS. Staff will make sure that a 990 has been filed within two years.
  10. Staff will review the organization’s history with the Community Foundation. They will check:
    • If they have the organization has an open grant 
    • If this is the organization’s first time applying, they must have met with staff to discuss questions, concerns, expectations, etc.
  11. Staff will review financial statements to ensure it conveys all financial information pertinent to proposal.





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Washington County
Community Foundation

1707 North Shelby Street
Salem, Indiana 47167
Phone: 812-883-7334

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