Grant Application Tips

Each grant cycle begins with a public meeting.  At this meeting we hand out the grant applications and discuss our grant criteria, guidelines, application process, deadlines and reporting process. There will be an opportunity to ask questions. Our goal is that by the end of the meeting, all potential applicants will have a strong understanding of the process. Meeting times are announced in the local papers and on our website.

We strongly advise that you seek the assistance of the Washington County Community Foundation staff if you have any questions or difficulties with the grant application process. We are here to help any grant applicant in need of assistance.

We list all grants that have been awarded on this web site. Be sure to visit that area. There is a lot of information that will help you with your grant application. Are you asking for more than is typically granted? Have we funded this type of project before? Will your proposal duplicate a service already provided in our community?

Include ALL required documentation. Follow the checklist and instructions completely. Provide the requested number of copies. All copies should be identical.

Submit only standard size paper (81/2 x 11) and avoid binding other than staples or paper clips. Please keep a copy of your application for future reference. We will not return any copy or materials.

Provide a reasonable, detailed budget of the project. Grant committee members will recognize under-budgeted or padded requests. Applications with budgets that include other sources of funding (match money) are generally more successful.

Do your homework on costs. Provide price lists or written estimates as attachments. Include competing estimates or bids (not more than three) if the work/project is to be contracted.

Statistics are helpful to justify your proposals, but statistics specific to Washington County will provide a better argument for funding. How many Washington County residents will be served by your program? What is the source and relevance of your statistics?

Avoid jargon, abbreviations and acronyms. Ask someone who is not familiar with the project to read and critique your application. Will they be able to understand and clearly explain what your project is, the costs, the results you hope to achieve?

Good luck in writing your grant proposal and please feel free to contact the Washington County Community Foundation office for assistance.

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Community Foundation

1707 North Shelby Street
Salem, Indiana 47167
Phone: 812-883-7334

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