Creative Ways to Give
There are several ways that you can give through the Washington County Community Foundation to support your favorite cause or to honor or memorialize a loved one. Your gift will make a difference to our community. To learn more about the funds at Washington County Community Foundation… click here.
Not sure which fund to give to? Consider a gift to a Touch Tomorrow Fund, which allows our Foundation to respond to current needs and opportunities in Washington County.
Your generosity is greatly appreciated.
Here are some quick and easy ways that you can make a difference in Washington County:
Write a Check
You can mail a check made out to the Washington County Community Foundationand send it to:
Washington County
Community Foundation
PO Box 50
Salem, IN 47167
Here are some ways to give back that are a little more creative.Making a gift of:
- Stocks
- Bonds
- IRAs
- Retirement plans
may be a good choice for you.
Be A Gem
Give Every MonthYou can donate every month automatically- no pesky reminder emails or needing to re-enter your credit card information every month! It is easy to change your donation amount and you can cancel at any time.
Be a GEM and make a difference in our community. Your Legacy is important to you! It is important to our community too!
You can sign up two ways:
1. Visit the Zeffy Giving Portal and select the monthly giving option.
2. - Download this form and email it to us.
Make It Easy
Call us to see how easy this can be! If you want to explore setting up a charitable trust or charitable gift annuity, please call us.We can help you and your professional advisor through this process.
For more information, send us an email.
William James said, “Act as though what you do makes a difference. It does.”
Thank you for giving through the Washington County Community Foundation
to make a difference in our community.