Harold and Geneva Naugle Touch Tomorrow Fund
Rita Elliott established this fund in honor of her parents. One thing that was very important to Harold and Geneva when raising their children was to instill a love for faith. They were members of West Point United Methodist Church. “Dad was the church treasurer for a long time, a Sunday School teacher, and lay minister,” Rita said. They always tried to stay involved and show the importance of that to their children.
In addition to encouraging faith, Harold and Geneva made it possible for their kids to value education, both in and outside of the classroom walls. “They wanted us to be involved in activities,” Rita said, “We were all very busy kids!” Because they lived about 8 miles out of town, a lot of time was spent driving their children to and from school events and activities. However, it paid off when all of their children went on to become successful individuals on their chosen paths.
Although Harold and Geneva did not by any means lead an easy life, they learned to make the best of their situations from an early age. They instilled their love for involvement, hard work, and education into the hearts of their six children. While some of their children have moved away from Washington County, memories of their parents and home remain strong.
In order to honor their parents, Harold and Geneva’s children came together and started a Touch Tomorrow fund with the Washington County Community Foundation in their parent’s honor. Rita said, “They would be happy to know that the proceeds from the fund would go to help some other people or projects in Washington County.” Now, for years to come, Harold and Geneva will have a lasting impact on many generations to come in Washington County.
You can learn more about Harold and Geneva here. https://www.wccf.biz/donor-stories/692-naugle-harold-geneva