Edgar and Elinor DeJean Scholarship Fund
Edgar and Elinor DeJean raised six children in Washington County, sending them all to Salem Community Schools. He retired at age 70 in 1994 and he and Elinor moved to a retirement community in Bloomington in 2006. Edgar was named to the Salem Schools' Lion Legacy class of 2011, and in 2015 the Salem Education Foundation named a scholarship fund in his honor, the Edgar DeJean Dream Award. When Elinor passed away in 2015, Edgar added to his fund to convert it to the Edgar and Elinor DeJean Scholarship Fund, thereby acknowledging both of their contributions to Washington County. Edgar passed away in 2017.
You can learn more about Edgar and Elinor here. https://www.wccf.biz/donor-stories/555-dejean-edgar-and-elinor